Dart Return Values
Sometimes we may want a function to return some value to the point it where it is called from. In Dart, there is return keyword allows a function to return value. The return statement is optional, if not specified the function returns null. There can be only one return statement in a function.
Dart Function With Return Value
12345 | return_type func_name(){ //Statement(s) return value;} |
func_name :- It is replaced with the name of the function.
return_type :- It represents return_type of the function. The return_type can be any valid data type. The data type of the value returned must match the return type of the function.
1234567 | String sayHelloWorld() { return “Hello, World!”;}void main(){ print(“flutterfever.com – Dart Function With Return Statement.”); print(sayHelloWorld());} |
flutterfever.com – Dart Function With Return Statement.
Hello, World!