What is web socket in flutter ?
WebSockets are a protocol for bi-directional, real-time communication between clients and servers over a single, long-lived connection. They were first…
How do I use hexadecimal color strings in Flutter?
In Flutter, you can use hexadecimal color strings to specify the color of various widgets. To use a hexadecimal color string, you can create a new Color…
How to Make Draggable and Expandable Floating Action Menu in…
To create a draggable and expandable floating action menu in Flutter, we can use a combination of the Stack, AnimatedContainer, and GestureDetector…
How to Add Multiple Floating Action Buttons in One Screen in…
In Flutter, you can add multiple floating action buttons (FABs) to a single screen by using the Stack widget to position them on top of each other.
How to add tabs in flutter with example
In Flutter, you can add tabs to your app using the TabBar and TabBarView widgets.
Here's an example code snippet that demonstrates how to add tabs in…
How to Auto Focus on TextField in Flutter
To auto-focus on a TextField in Flutter, you can use the FocusNode class along with the TextField widget.
Here's an example code snippet that…
A simple School Management Screens UI : Copy & Run…
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
void main() {
runApp( SchoolDashboard());
class SchoolDashboard extends…
A Short comparison table bw Appwrite and firebase
Here's a comparison table between Appwrite and Firebase across different segments:
SegmentAppwriteFirebaseBackend as a Service…
Appwrite and its features for mobile app development
Appwrite is an open-source backend server platform that provides developers with a set of tools and features to simplify the process of building web and…
What is custom paint in flutter and how to use it?
CustomPaint is a Flutter widget that allows you to create custom graphics and animations in your app. It's a powerful and flexible widget that gives you…