The main() function is a predefined method in Dart. It is the most important and mandatory part of any Dart Program. Any Dart script requires the main() method for its execution. This method acts as the entry point for any Dart application. It is responsible for executing all library functions, user-defined statements, and user-defined functions.
The main()
function is responsible for all kinds of execution, including user-defined statements, functions, and libraries. The program starts with the main()
function, which contains variable declarations, functions, and user-defined executable statements.
Syntax of main() function:
void main() { //main() function body }
The main function can be further structured to variable declaration, function declaration, and executable statements. The main function returns void. Also, optional parameters List<String> may be used as arguments to the function. These arguments may be used in case we need to control our program from outside.
An optional List <String>
parameters may be used as function arguments. These parameters can be used if we need to influence our application from the outside.
The main()
function returns void